Implementing Verification in code


  • Select a Programming Language: For zk-STARKs, Rust, C++, and Python are common choices due to their efficiency and cryptographic library support.

  • Choose a zk-STARK Library/Framework: Libraries like StarkWare, LibSTARK, or others provide the necessary tools and functions for zk-STARK operations.

2. Basic Verification Flow

a. Setup & Initialization:

  • Import the necessary libraries/modules.

  • Initialize the verification environment if required by the library.

b. Receive Proof:

  • The verifier typically receives the proof from an external source (e.g., a network request, a file, etc.).

c. Invoke Verification:

  • Use the library's provided function to verify the proof.

d. Check & Report Outcome:

  • Depending on the verification result, take appropriate action (e.g., log the result, inform the user, etc.).

3. Pseudocode for Verification

Here's a basic outline in pseudocode:

import zkSTARK_library

function initialize_verification_environment():
    // Any necessary setup specific to the library in use
    return environment

function receive_proof():
    // Depending on your setup, this might involve reading from a file, 
    // receiving a network request, etc.
    return proof

function verify_proof(proof, environment):
    return zkSTARK_library.verify(proof, environment)

function main():
    environment = initialize_verification_environment()
    proof = receive_proof()
    is_valid = verify_proof(proof, environment)

    if is_valid:
        print("Proof is valid!")
        print("Proof is invalid!")


Important Points:

  1. Library/Module Details: The actual names of libraries, functions, and specific syntax will vary based on your chosen programming language and zk-STARK library.

  2. Error Handling: The pseudocode above is a basic representation. In a real-world implementation, you'd need to handle various potential errors, such as malformed proofs, library exceptions, and more.

  3. Security: Ensure that the environment is secure. This includes securing the communication channels for receiving proofs, ensuring the integrity of the zk-STARK library, and other general security practices.

Last updated
