Gossip Protocol


The Gossip Protocol, an epitome of the epidemic communication mechanism, forms a fundamental layer in distributed systems, most notably in DAG-based blockchain networks. By emulating the propagation pattern of an epidemic, the protocol facilitates the spread of information across nodes, ensuring, over a given time frame, that every node is privy to the disseminated information.

Mathematical Formulations:

  1. Probability of Propagation: Given a node nnnn that propagates information to kk random nodes within a network of NN nodes, the probability P(n)P(n) of a specific node nini receiving the information is:

P(ni)=kN1P(n_i) = \frac{k}{N-1}

  1. Expected Number of Rounds: If MM represents the majority of nodes, the estimated number of rounds RR required to inform MM nodes can be expressed by:

R=log(1kN1)(1MN)R = \log_{\left(1-\frac{k}{N-1}\right)}\left(1-\frac{M}{N}\right)

  1. Efficiency Factor: The efficiency EE of the gossip can be measured by the ratio of nodes informed to the number of rounds taken:

E=MRE = \frac{M}{R}

  1. Gossip Amplification Coefficient: To quantify the amplification effect of each node gossiping to multiple nodes, we introduce the coefficient GACGAC:

GAC=N(N×(1kN1)R)NGAC = \frac{N - (N \times (1-\frac{k}{N-1})^R)}{N}

The closer the GACGAC is to 1, the more amplified the gossip effect.

  1. Time Decay Function: Implementing a TTL mechanism, the viability V(t)V(t) of a gossip message at any time tttt can be defined as:

V(t)=eλtV(t) = e^{-\lambda t}

where λλ is the decay rate.

Parameters Impacting Efficiency:

  • Gossip Probability: Denoted as GOSSIPPROBGOSSIP-PROB, it significantly influences the pace of information spread. Although higher values expedite dissemination, they may inadvertently elevate network traffic, posing a trade-off.

  • Concurrency Factor: Instead of a node communicating with a singular random node, it might relay information to multiple nodes, a factor denoted by kk. An augmented kk value could potentially hasten the information distribution process.

  • Gossiping Approach: The two predominant modes are:

    • Proactive Mode: Nodes propagate information at deterministic time intervals, irrespective of network events. This can be mathematically represented as G(t)=G0+δtG(t) = G_0 + \delta t , where G0G0 is the initial gossip time and δtδt is the time interval.

    • Reactive Mode: Nodes transmit information in response to specific triggers or events in the network, making the gossip event-driven.

  • TTL Mechanism: To preclude perpetual circulation of information, a Time To Live (TTL) mechanism is pivotal. Post reaching its predetermined TTL limit, the piece of information is rendered non-gossipable, curtailing redundant information flow.

Optimizing the Gossip Protocol in DAG:

  1. Adaptive Gossip Rate: In fluctuating network conditions, a node can adaptively modify kk based on the feedback from the previous round of gossip. This ensures optimal resource utilization.

knew=kold+α(EEtarget)k_{\text{new}} = k_{\text{old}} + \alpha(E - E_{\text{target}})

where αα is the adaptation rate and EtargetEtarget is the desired efficiency.

  1. Feedback-Based Reactive Gossiping: Nodes can employ feedback from past interactions to select which peers to gossip with, potentially optimizing the information spread. The likelihood LL of choosing a node njnj based on feedback FF can be represented as:

L(nj)=F(nj)i=1NF(ni)L(n_j) = \frac{F(n_j)}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} F(n_i)}

  1. Cluster-Based Gossiping:

    Nodes in the DAG are organized into distinct clusters based on certain criteria, such as proximity, transaction history, or computational capacity. Each cluster has a representative node termed the 'cluster header'. This header is dynamically elected using the following weightage function:



    • W(ni)W(ni) is the weight of node nini

    • C(ni)C(ni) represents the computational power of node nini

    • P(ni)P(ni) denotes the past performance or reliability of node nini

    • H(ni)H(ni) captures the historical relevance of node nini in the DAG

    • α,β,γα,β,γ are constants that determine the relative importance of each factor.

    Clustered Gossip Protocol:

    Rather than each node randomly propagating gossip messages to other nodes, nodes within a cluster first send the gossip message to their cluster header. The cluster header, due to its strategic position and relevance, can then disseminate the message more efficiently to headers of other clusters, ensuring a rapid and more organized spread of information.

    Mathematically, the probability PchPch that a message reaches another cluster in a round through cluster headers is:

    Pch=1(11Nch)kP_{ch} = 1 - \left(1 - \frac{1}{N_{ch}}\right)^k


    • NchNch is the number of cluster headers.

    • kk is the average number of cluster headers a given cluster header communicates with in one round.


    1. Directed Propagation: Gossip messages are propagated in a more directed manner, reducing the redundancy of message passing.

    2. Rapid Dissemination: By targeting cluster headers that are strategically positioned, the propagation speed is enhanced.

    3. Network Traffic Reduction: Limiting the initial spread of gossip messages to cluster headers reduces overall network traffic, leading to an optimized bandwidth usage.

    Challenges and Considerations:

    1. Single Point of Failure: Cluster headers might become potential targets, necessitating the design to account for frequent header re-elections or backup headers.

    2. Overhead: The continual maintenance of clusters and the election of headers introduce computational overhead. This needs to be balanced against the benefits.

    Weighted Propagation: Nodes with higher connectivity or importance in the DAG can be assigned higher weights, leading to a prioritized and more efficient information dissemination.

Last updated
