Digital Notary Solutions

Multi-Signature Wallets

1. Definitions and Preliminaries


  • NN: Set of all Notary wallets

  • UU: Set of all User wallets

  • EE: Set of all Escrow contracts

  • AA: Set of all Assets (Real Estate properties)

  • SS: State of the Notary wallet, Sonline,offline,soonavailableS∈{online,offline,soon_available}

  • FF: Fee to the Notary, 3F153≤F≤15

2. Notary Wallet Structure and Construction

2.1 Definition

A Notary Wallet NiNi is represented as a 4-tuple:


where KsiKsi is the signing key used for authorizing transactions.

3. Escrow Contract Description

3.1 Definition


where VCLVCL is the Video Chat Link and ζζ is the transaction status.

3.2 State Transition Function

Given the state transition function τ:S×ES×Eτ:S×E→S×E, the goal is to optimize the assignment of notary wallets to escrow contracts while minimizing waiting times for all parties involved:


4. Notary Selection and Interaction Algorithm

4.1 Notary Selection Algorithm

The system must provide a mechanism ϕϕ for identifying an appropriate notary, satisfying:




4.2 Interaction and Verification

Given an escrow contract EjEj and a selected notary NiNi, two options for verification are available:

Option 1: Direct verification via secured Video Chat.

Option 2: Verification through Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP).

5. Mathematical Formulation of Verification Options

5.1 Video Chat Verification


5.2 ZKP Verification


where ZKPZKP consists of ID checks, live video verification, etc.

6. Transaction Completion and Asset Transfer

6.1 Dual-Signature Confirmation

Given a transaction TT, two signatures are required: one from the user UbUb (buyer) and one from the notary NiNi after verification:


6.2 Asset Transfer Function


7. Fee Distribution and Notary Compensation

7.1 Fee Distribution Function


Where ΩΩ ensures that the fee FF is transferred to the notary wallet upon successful verification and completion of a transaction.

8. Security Considerations and Future Directions

  • Security and Anonymity: Strategies to maintain the privacy and security of the involved parties should be implemented.

  • Regulatory Compliance: The structure must adhere to real estate laws and blockchain regulations, and adjust according to varying legal frameworks globally.

  • Scalability: Mechanisms for scaling the approach to handle increasing transaction loads and notary numbers need to be devised.

  • Automation and AI Integration: Future developments may consider incorporating AI to automate aspects of the verification process, creating a hybrid system.

Last updated
